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At Little River it is important to protect all personal data in a secure and responsible manner.  This Policy outlines the procedures we will use to make sure that all records are kept confidential, integral and any personal data which we collect and process during our provision of any sports massage therapies. 


This policy follows the data protection laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


​It is our intention to always be transparent and this will encourage the utmost trust in our clients when they are treated by us. 


The policy below shows our commitment to safeguarding the personal information given to us by our clients.​Personal Data will be collected and processed necessary for the provision of our Massage Services.  This will include but is not limited to: Clients names, contact details, medical details, lifestyle, and treatment records.​


This data is collected to establish and maintain client records to be able to give an effective massage therapy treatment.  This will also ensure the total safety and well-being of clients throughout their treatment.  We will communicate with clients regarding appointments, updates, and related matters only and will comply with the legal and regulatory requirements always.​


Security – all data collected will be confidential.  Access to personal data will be limited to authorised personnel only who may need access for legitimate business purposes only.​


Storage of personal data will be securely stored in an electronic or physical form.  Reasonable measures will be taken to protect the personal data against any unauthorised access, loss, or theft.


All Data will be kept for a minimum of 7 years by law or if a client has a terminal illness, indefinitely.


Data will only ever be shared at the clients written consent and only then for the purpose of seeking other healthcare professionals’ advice or for further treatment.​


Data will never be shared to a third party unless required by law.​


All clients have the right to access their own personal data and can request any rectification of any inaccurate or incomplete information.  They can also request the destroying of any personal data in certain circumstances as applicable by data protection laws.


​Clients have the right to object and withdraw their data at any time despite consent to use being given. ​All personnel working for Little River Sports Massage will receive the relevant training in the collection, processing, and handling of personal client data.​


This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary.

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